The goal is to develop an ayurvedic intuition through study

  • viewing

    100 video lessons, by experienced ayurvedic doctors, structured into sections and chapters.

  • exploring

    Curated links to explore more information from various sources, and in-course discussions.

  • applying

    Ten assignments to capure and retain what you have learnt in this online course.

Course content

100 videos, reading and assignments

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • Navigating this course
    • What we recommend...
    • Before we begin :
    • Glossary of Ayurvedic terms
    • Meet your Teachers
  • 2
    Ayurveda – Introduction, History & Branches
    • History of Ayurveda
    • Lineage of Ayurveda
    • Eight branches of Ayurveda
    • Concept of creation
    • Purusharthas
    • Assignment 1
  • 3
    Padartha Vigyan
    • Padartha - definition and components
    • Dravya
    • Guna
    • Karma
    • Samanya, Vishesha
    • Assignment 2
  • 4
    Fundamentals of Ayurveda
    • Health according to Ayurveda
    • Tridoshas -Vata
    • Tridoshas - Pitta, Kapha.
    • Agni
    • Dhatu
    • Saar
    • Rasa / Rakta / Mansa
    • Meda / Asthi / Majja
    • Shukra / Ojas
    • Mala / Kha-mala
    • Vitiation of Vata
    • Vitiation of Pitta
    • Vitiation of Kapha
    • Assignment 3
  • 5
    Swasthavritta - Basics of healthy living
    • Traya Upasthamba - 3 pillars
    • Ahara 1
    • Ahara 2
    • Ahara 3
    • Viruddhahara
    • Nidra
    • Shada Rasa
    • Brahmacharya
    • Transformation of Food
    • Food preparation
    • Vipaka
    • Virya
    • Triguna
    • Dinacharya
    • Rutucharya
    • Grishma Varsha Sharad
    • Rutusandhi
    • Natural urges
    • Sadvritta
    • Assignment 4
  • 6
    Ayurveda - Anatomy and Physiology
    • Introduction to Anatomy
    • Ashaya
    • Koshtha
    • Asthi Sharira
    • Peshi Sharira
    • Sandhi Sharira
    • Kala Sharira
    • Marma
    • Strotas 1
    • Strotas 2
    • Strotas 3
    • Strotas 4
    • Saarata 1
    • Saarata 2
    • Assignment 5
  • 7
    Kayachikitsa - disease & its manifestation
    • Shatkriyakal
    • Aam
    • Causes
    • Prognosis
    • Contact with senses
    • Intellectual blasphemy
    • Kala Parinama
    • Assignment 6
  • 8
    Diagnosis and Examination of disease
    • Examination of patient
    • Eight fold examination
    • Ten fold examination
    • Roga (disease) Pariksha
    • Prakruti Pariksha
    • Nadi (pulse) Pariksha
    • Assignment 7
  • 9
    Ayurvedic treatments - Chikitsa Padah
    • Treatments - 3 types
    • Padachatushtaya - 1
    • Padachatushtaya - 2
    • Administration of Medicine
    • Time of administration
    • On water
    • On milk
    • On buttermilk
    • On ghee
    • Assignment 8
  • 10
    • Langhana
    • Bruhana
    • Panchakarma Overview
    • Snehana / Swedana - 1
    • Snehana / Swedana - 2
    • Vaman / Virechana
    • Basti
    • Raktamokshana
    • Nasya Dhumapaan
    • Sansarjana Karma
    • Assignment 9
  • 11
    Immunomodulator/Curative therapies
    • Rasayana / Vajikarana - 1
    • Rasayana / Vajikarana - 2
    • Other Therapies
    • Assignment 10
  • 12
    • Connecting Yoga and Ayurveda
    • The Doshas and Yoga
    • Ayurveda and the Mind
  • 13
    Next steps
    • Congratulations! - Reading list