Certificate Course in Sāṅkhyakārikā-Chanting

‘Certificate Course in Sāṅkhyakārikā-Chanting’ is an online Course based on Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s ‘Sāṅkhyakārikās’. This Course will begin with simple rules of Saṃskṛta pronunciation, which are required for the chanting. Pronunciation of Alphabets – Vowels and Consonants of Devanāgarī lipi (script). This course will give the knowledge of the Saṃskṛta alphabets and how to pronounce them.

Chanting of Sāṅkhyakārikās

This Course will begin with simple rules of Saṃskṛta pronunciation, which are required for the chanting. Pronunciation of Alphabets – Vowels and Consonants of Devanāgarī lipi (script). This course will give the knowledge of the Saṃskṛta alphabets and how to pronounce them.
  • You will Learn

    Pronunciation of Alphabets- Vowels and Consonants of Devanāgarī lipi (script). This course will give the knowledge of the Saṃskṛta alphabets and how to pronounce them. Basic understanding of Sthāna / place of the sound production of the Saṃskṛta alphabets. Practice of ‘Kaṇṭhaḥ’ / Guttural sounds, ‘Tālu’ / Palatal sounds, ‘Mūrdhā’ / Retroflexes, ‘Dantaḥ’ / Dentals, ‘Oṣṭhaḥ’ / Labials, Kaṇṭhatālu / Guttural – Palatal sounds, Kaṇṭhoṣṭham/ Guttural – Labial sounds, Dantoṣṭham / Dental – Labial sounds etc.

  • Why this Course?

    This Course is purported to help in reciting the Sāṅkhyakārikās as per the Śāstra (scriptures), thereby leading to their understanding. And, to make original Saṃskṛta text modern-student-friendly without violating the traditional grammatical norms and rules. With a view to make it simple and render the Śuddha-pāṭha (the correct text).

  • Benefits

    The participant will learn Chanting of all Sāṅkhyakārikās as per the Indian tradition. Will become familiar and friendly with all the Sāṅkhyakārikās, which will lead to better understanding of them. Will have understanding and practice of the sound production of the Saṃskṛta alphabets and words given in the Sāṅkhyakārikās. It will help in memorization and study of the Sāṅkhyakārikās.

Course Access for 1 Year